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June 2022 Alternative Perfromance Thumbnail

June 2022 Alternative Perfromance

The numbers are in for the month of June. Monthly performance numbers for the alternatives investments I currently use in client portfolios continued to out perform the public markets. Another month of consistent performance in the private REIT space and slight down month for private credit. The following performance is through the end of June.

JuneYear to DateDividend Rate
Blackstone's REIT1.4%7.2%4.5%
Nuveen Global Cities REIT2.25%7.75%5.46%
Blackstone Private Credit3-1.2%-.5%8.2%

For reference, as of July 22nd the S&P is -16.9%, the NASDQ is -24.4%, and the AGG(Bond Index) is -9.6% year to date. So a definite non-correlation to public markets. And since these investments move with interest rates, they are a great hedge against inflation. We can talk further if this is a strategy that would help support your overall portfolio construction. 

Questions about your portfolio? Let's chat.

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  1. https://www.breit.com/performance/
  2. https://www.nuveen.com/gcreit/performance
  3. https://www.bcred.com/performance/

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